Friday, January 20, 2017

5 Days In...

I was riding high yesterday on such a fab workout and today? Gutter. I was tired, sore, unmotivated and hungry. I usually have a banana before my WOD and I was out. I had a couple bites of my Rx Bar, but, that just wasn't the same.

Ah, me.  Really long week and I'm pumped it is Friday.

In other news, we just witnessed the inauguration of the next President. I'm proud to say that we are in the afternoon hours and the world hasn't imploded. As for Facebook? Well, that's a different story. I'm shocked and awed about how ugly people are--on both sides! One man didn't divide our nation. Our nation divided our nation. So, buckle up kiddies, if we keep this up this nasty ride is far, far from being over.

So, I'm gearing up for week 2 of the LC. I decided I was going to research some good recipes that have actual vegetables in them for next week. I've had wayyyy too few veggies and wayyyy too much meat this week. Can't stand it. I've probably had too much fruit this week, too. Gotta balance it out. I'm pretty hopeful, though, that my body is going to start healing and that I'll get into some good sustainable habits. I just need to change the way I'm thinking about the foods I'm putting in my body from here on out. Yes, some ingredients are going to cost more. I need to budget accordingly. :)

I've also got to get my stinkin' bullet journal under control.  Maybe that will be a good activity for this rainy/stormy weekend ahead of us.


Thursday, January 19, 2017

How did THAT happen?

Well, the last 18 hours of my life have been...*ahem*...interesting.

Last night, we hopped over to trivia just like any other Wednesday night. I wasn't feeling too "anything", actually. Just a normal night. As soon as I walked into the restaurant, I hit a wall. Figuratively, of course. Though, I've been known to hit them quite literally (and often).  I was suddenly ravenously hungry and so angry, I could breathe fire. Yep, there it is...there's the part of the challenge I knew would show up. I looked around at my friends and wanted to smack all of their shiny, happy faces. They were chatting, having chips and drinking their beer. Sweetest friends ever, but for a few moments in time, I was angry at every one of them. Wow, I'm evil.

I ordered my food; it was incredibly simple. Steak salad, only plain steak, lettuce, onion. No biggie, right? (I brought my own dressing from home.) WRONG. Literally, the order was wrong, just like it is It has really become the running joke. I honestly cannot remember the last time I received exactly what I ordered and how I ordered it from ANY restaurant, and this one was no exception. This time they left the cheese on there. I immediately refused it and they brought it back out with the steak atop the lettuce and when I turned over the steak strips, each one had melted cheese. CRIPES! Eh, well, I took my knife and scraped my steak. Then I pulled out my new little jar of approved dressing and dug in. Twenty minutes after I cleaned my plate, I began having an allergic reaction. Well, see, I didn't exactly check the label of the new dressing and as luck would have it, it must have had paprika in it. So, I popped a Benadryl. It happens; I'm an idiot.

Went home and prepped today's crockpot meal. Went to bed and slept like a champ, woke up with my alarm and popped over to Oak City. I managed to do some exercises I'd not done before, I set a new record for myself for running; overall, just a great morning! I even shamelessly wore my tank top without apology!  Came to work, got ready, ate my delicious breakfast...I was feeling clear headed and so happy.

Then, 10:30am. Like a rushing river, massive headache. UGH! Yep, there it is. I remember that happening before, too. 

So, here I am, after throwing back some Tylenol, I'm stuffing my face with pumpkin chili leftovers. I would kill for CookOut right now. Mmmm BBQ sandwich tray with corn dogs as a side. Really? That's what my life became? Yes. Yes it is. But, we're on a new path now! That's why this journaling is going to help me remember all the GOOD, so that I don't revert back to all the BAD.


Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Hello, Wednesday!

Well, I woke up this morning and didn't feel too bad!

I know last year, the first week was hell on my body. I was in full-blown detox by the end of the first 7 days and I hated everything and everyone. I don't know what is different about this "go round", but it is a little friendlier, I feel. I actually slept last night, unlike last year's beginning phase. Though, to be fair, I did drink a nice warm magnesium drink before bed last night and slept like a baby. Well, better than a baby, I suppose. I didn't wake up every couple of hours crying because I was hungry or wet, so...there's that.

Made a new recipe last night from the LC meal plan...pumpkin chili!  It was pretty good!  I'm no chili connoisseur, as I usually stay away from it with my paprika allergy and all.  Here's the recipe, though...(I made a couple of tweaks).

Pumpkin Chili
Makes 4 servings. Enough for dinner plus leftovers
In a large pot, sauté 1 cup chopped onions and 8 cloves chopped garlic in extra virgin olive oil  for about 5 minutes.  Add 2 lbs. ground turkey and break up with a spatula as it cooks.  Saute until cooked through and drain about half the fat/water/juice. Add 2 cups fire roasted tomatoes, 2 cups canned pumpkin puree, 1 cup chicken broth, 2 tbsp. raw honey, 4 tsp. oregano, 2 tsp. chili powder, 1 tsp. ground cinnamon, and 1-2 tsp. sea salt.  Simmer without a lid for 15-20 minutes. 

I wish I were a better cook. I'd love to take this time to really learn food and experiment with recipes. Alas, I'm just better at consumption of food than creation. Go figure.

I'm still debating on whether to stay on the book of faces or just go dark for a while. (like forever) I know those of you following my blog have read my musings over it ad nauseum. Today's reasons are that I'm tired of seeing all the craptastic food pictures. I mean, of course I want a cool waffle maker that will allow me to make waffle bowls, but, I don't NEED it! It just makes me crave food and that stinks! Plus, people are dumb. I still get fired up about posts. Of course, I can hide those people but then my news feed would just be advertisement pictures and crickets chirping.

Well, Happy Wednesday!


Tuesday, January 17, 2017

It All Comes Flooding Back...

Day 2

I said it before and I'll say it again. I could kick myself for not journaling/blogging during the last LC. What was I thinking?!?

Today some old feelings that I had last year came rushing back. It was somewhere between breakfast and lunch and I was having a really stressful time reviewing some files and I thought "I do NOT want to keep going on this eating plan. I don't want to think about what I cannot eat. I'm so tired of this." And, yes, it is day 2. Last year, it was about week 3 that I had the feelings. I was so tired of being on restriction and all I wanted was to be an adult and make decisions and eat all the comfort foods.

Then, I looked down at my calendar. I doodle there a lot. Here's what I saw:

"Food is for FUEL, not feelings!"

Now, you may tell yourself, "Wait a second! Food can be for feelings! It can be for love, despair, anger." I'm telling you right now, "No."  I'm taking a hard line on this. "Eat to live, don't live to eat."

Y'all, that benchmark WOD this morning has me singing the blues. I did WAY better than I thought, but, I did Level 1. That's not even considered Rx. Seriously?!? What does it even matter, then? Yes, I wanted to level up. But, no, I wasn't there yet. The one thing I did decide today was, I have GOT to get some gains this year. I need to work hard and work steady. Eyes on the prize. 

For now, I'm going to stuff my face with my prepared lunch and not Wendy's, which I'm dreaming about. Praying that this gets better because right now all I see is uphill.