Friday, January 20, 2017

5 Days In...

I was riding high yesterday on such a fab workout and today? Gutter. I was tired, sore, unmotivated and hungry. I usually have a banana before my WOD and I was out. I had a couple bites of my Rx Bar, but, that just wasn't the same.

Ah, me.  Really long week and I'm pumped it is Friday.

In other news, we just witnessed the inauguration of the next President. I'm proud to say that we are in the afternoon hours and the world hasn't imploded. As for Facebook? Well, that's a different story. I'm shocked and awed about how ugly people are--on both sides! One man didn't divide our nation. Our nation divided our nation. So, buckle up kiddies, if we keep this up this nasty ride is far, far from being over.

So, I'm gearing up for week 2 of the LC. I decided I was going to research some good recipes that have actual vegetables in them for next week. I've had wayyyy too few veggies and wayyyy too much meat this week. Can't stand it. I've probably had too much fruit this week, too. Gotta balance it out. I'm pretty hopeful, though, that my body is going to start healing and that I'll get into some good sustainable habits. I just need to change the way I'm thinking about the foods I'm putting in my body from here on out. Yes, some ingredients are going to cost more. I need to budget accordingly. :)

I've also got to get my stinkin' bullet journal under control.  Maybe that will be a good activity for this rainy/stormy weekend ahead of us.


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